The information in this schedule is subject to change—please check back regularly!
Deadlines for assignments listed below are 11:59 PM ET on the day listed. Deadlines for Perusall assignments (paper discussions) are 9:30 AM on the day listed.
Last updated: November 19, 2023.
Week | Day | Date | Topics | Readings | Deadlines |
1 | W | August 23 | Introduction | ||
2 | M | August 28 | Internet history and design principles | Textbook: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 “The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols” (Clark) “End-To-End Arguments in System Design” (Saltzer et al.) |
2 | W | August 30 | Link layer | Textbook: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 | |
3 | M | September 4 | No class (Labor Day) – held on Tuesday | ||
3 | T | September 5 | Link layer | Textbook: 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 | |
3 | W | September 6 | Network layer | Textbook: 3.3, 4.2 | |
4 | M | September 11 | Network layer | Textbook: 3.4 | |
4 | W | September 13 | Network layer | Textbook: 4.1 | Homework 1 due |
5 | M | September 18 | Transport layer | Textbook: 5.1, 5.2 | |
5 | W | September 20 | Transport layer | Textbook: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 | |
6 | M | September 25 | Term project overview Reading research papers |
6 | W | September 27 | Network security | Homework 2 due | |
7 | M | October 2 | Review | ||
7 | W | October 4 | Midterm Exam | ||
8 | M | October 9 | No class (Mid-Semester Holiday) | ||
8 | W | October 11 | Routing | “Keep Your Friends Close, but Your Routeservers Closer: Insights into RPKI Validation in the Internet” (Hlavacek et al., USENIX Security ‘23) “FABRID: Flexible Attestation-Based Routing for Inter-Domain Networks” (Krähenbühl et al., USENIX Security ‘23) |
Term project proposal due |
9 | M | October 16 | Control planes | “Orion: Google’s Software-Defined Networking Control Plane” (Ferguson et al., NSDI ‘21) “Running BGP in Data Centers at Scale” (Abhashkumar et al., NSDI ‘21) |
9 | W | October 18 | Automation and reconfiguration | “Change Management in Physical Network Lifecycle Automation” (Al-Fares et al., ATC ‘23) “Runtime Programmable Switches” (Xing et al., NDSI ‘22) |
10 | M | October 23 | Testing and debugging | “Meissa: Scalable Network Testing for Programmable Data Planes” (Zheng et al., SIGCOMM ‘22) “Test Coverage for Network Configurations” (Xu et al., NSDI ‘23) |
10 | W | October 25 | Network verification | “Aquila: A Practically Usable Verification System for Production-Scale Programmable Data Planes” (Tian et al., SIGCOMM ‘21) “SwitchV: Automated SDN Switch Validation with P4 Models” (Albab et al., SIGCOMM ‘21) |
11 | M | October 30 | Data plane security | “Probabilistic Profiling of Stateful Data Planes for Adversarial Testing” (Kang et al., ASPLOS ‘21) “P4BID: Information Flow Control in P4” (Grewal et al., PLDI ‘22) |
11 | W | November 1 | Network availability | “Mew: Enabling Large-Scale and Dynamic Link-Flooding Defenses on Programmable Switches” (Zhou et al., S&P ‘23) “Ripple: A Programmable, Decentralized Link-Flooding Defense Against Adaptive Adversaries” (Xing et al., USENIX Security ‘21) |
12 | M | November 6 | Reliability and fault tolerance | “Tardis: A Fault-Tolerant Design for Network Control Planes” (Zhou et al., SOSR ‘21) “RedPlane: Enabling Fault-Tolerant Stateful In-Switch Applications” (Kim et al., SIGCOMM ‘21) |
12 | W | November 8 | Intent-based networking | “Hey, Lumi! Using Natural Language for Intent-Based Network Management” (Jacobs et al., ATC ‘21) “Newton: Intent-Driven Network Traffic Monitoring” (Zhou et al., CoNEXT ‘20) |
Term project midpoint report due |
13 | M | November 13 | Cloud design | “Invisinets: Removing Networking from Cloud Networks” (McClure et al., NSDI ‘23) “Deploying User-space TCP at Cloud Scale with LUNA” (Zhu et al., ATC ‘23) |
13 | W | November 15 | Network measurement | “Your Router is My Prober: Measuring IPv6 Networks via ICMP Rate Limiting Side Channels” (Pan et al., NDSS ‘23) “Glowing in the Dark: Uncovering IPv6 Address Discovery and Scanning Strategies in the Wild” (Bin Tanveer et al., USENIX Security ‘23) |
14 | M | November 20 | Network machine learning | “Re-architecting Traffic Analysis with Neural Network Interface Cards” (Siracusano et al., NSDI ‘22) “An Efficient Design of Intelligent Network Data Plane” (Zhou et al., USENIX Security ‘23) |
14 | W | November 22 | No class (Fall Holiday) | ||
15 | M | November 27 | Guest lecture | ||
15 | W | November 29 | Guest lecture | ||
16 | M | December 4 | No class | ||
16 | W | December 6 | No class (Study Day) | ||
17 | M | December 11 | No class (Final Exam) | Term project final report and presentation due |