Note: This website is now archived and refers to an earlier version of this couse. Please check the latest course website for current information.
The information in this schedule is subject to change—please check back regularly!
Week |
Date |
Topics |
Readings (Presenter) |
Deadlines (by 2 PM ET) |
1 |
August 26 |
Introduction |
2 |
August 31 |
Internet history and design principles |
Textbook: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Paper 1 (Ben): “The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols” (Clark) Paper 2 (Ben): “End-To-End Arguments in System Design” (Saltzer et al.) |
2 |
September 2 |
Link layer: encoding, framing, and protocols |
Textbook: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 |
3 |
September 7 |
Link layer: bridging and switching |
Textbook: 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 |
3 |
September 9 |
Network layer: IP and related protocols |
Textbook: 3.3, 4.2 |
Paper sign-up due |
4 |
September 14 |
Network layer: intra-domain routing |
Textbook: 3.4 |
Homework 1 due |
4 |
September 16 |
Network layer: inter-domain routing |
Textbook: 4.1 |
5 |
September 21 |
Transport layer: UDP and TCP |
Textbook: 5.1, 5.2 |
Homework 2 due |
5 |
September 23 |
Transport layer: congestion control |
Textbook: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 |
6 |
September 28 |
Review |
Homework 3 due |
6 |
September 30 |
No class (midterm exam) |
Midterm exam released |
7 |
October 5 |
Term project overview Reading research papers |
Midterm exam due |
7 |
October 7 |
Information-centric networking |
Paper 1 (Caleb B.): “Networking Named Content” (Jacobson et al., CoNEXT ‘09) Paper 2 (Yuegeng L.): “Named Data Networking” (Zhang et al., SIGCOMM CCR ‘14) |
8 |
October 12 |
Overlay networks: peer-to-peer networks |
Textbook: 9.4 (P2P) Paper 1 (Ben): “Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Protocol for Internet Applications” (Stoica et al., SIGCOMM ‘01) Paper 2 (Connor L.): “Do Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent?” (Piatek et al., NSDI ‘07) |
8 |
October 14 |
Overlay networks: content distribution networks |
Textbook: 9.4 (CDNs) Paper 1 (Kexin Z.): “The Akamai Network: A Platform for High-Performance Internet Applications” (Nygren et al., SIGOPS OSR ‘10) Paper 2 (Qing Z.): “Experiences with CoralCDN: A Five-Year Operational View” (Freedman, NSDI ‘10) |
Term project proposal due |
9 |
October 19 |
Wireless networks |
Textbook: 2.7 Paper 1 (Jiaxu S.): “MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LANs” (Bharghavan et al., SIGCOMM ‘94) Paper 2 (Liangjie Z.): “ZigZag Decoding: Combating Hidden Terminals in Wireless Networks” (Gollakota and Katabi, SIGCOMM ‘08) |
9 |
October 21 |
Cloud and data center networks |
Paper 1 (Lu S.): “VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network” (Greenberg et al., SIGCOMM ‘09) Paper 2 (Dandan W.): “Data Center TCP (DCTCP)” (Alizadeh et al., SIGCOMM ‘10) |
10 |
October 26 |
Programmable data planes |
Textbook: 3.5 (SDNs) Paper 1 (Gwynie D.): “OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks” (McKeown et al., SIGCOMM CCR ‘08) Paper 2 (Bo Z.): “P4: Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors” (Bosshart et al., SIGCOMM CCR ‘14) |
10 |
October 28 |
Programmable control planes |
Paper 1 (Jin N.): “Don’t Mind the Gap: Bridging Network-wide Objectives and Device-level Configurations” (Beckett et al., SIGCOMM ‘16) Paper 2 (Tianrun C.): “PSI: Precise Security Instrumentation for Enterprise Networks” (Yu et al., NDSS ‘17) |
11 |
November 2 |
Network operating systems |
Paper 1 (Yuxuan S.): “Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Networks” (Koponen et al., OSDI ‘10) Paper 2 (Kangjing F.): “Rosemary: A Robust, Secure, and High-Performance Network Operating System” (Shin et al., CCS ‘14) |
11 |
November 4 |
Network verification |
Paper 1 (Yingxuan L.): “Header Space Analysis: Static Checking For Networks” (Kazemian et al., NSDI ‘12) Paper 2 (Tong X.): “VeriFlow: Verifying Network-Wide Invariants in Real Time” (Khurshid et al., NSDI ‘13) |
12 |
November 9 |
Network security |
Textbook: 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 Paper 1 (Zhao J.): “ZMap: Fast Internet-Wide Scanning and its Security Applications” (Durumeric et al., USENIX Security ‘13) Paper 2 (Han J.): “Understanding the Mirai Botnet” (Antonakakis et al., USENIX Security ‘17) |
Term project midpoint report due |
12 |
November 11 |
BGP policy |
Paper 1 (Ryan W.): “On Inferring Autonomous System Relationships in the Internet” (Gao, ToN ‘01) Paper 2 (Yang C.): “BGP routing policies in ISP networks” (Caesar and Rexford, IEEE Network ‘05) |
13 |
November 16 |
BGP security |
Paper 1 (Yijun G.): “A Survey of BGP Security Issues and Solutions” (Butler et al., Proc. IEEE ‘10) Paper 2 (Xianzhao L.): “BGP Security in Partial Deployment” (Lychev et al., SIGCOMM ‘13) |
13 |
November 18 |
Internet measurement |
Paper 1 (Moxiao L.): “End-to-End Routing Behavior in the Internet” (Paxson, SIGCOMM ‘96) Paper 2 (Jiachi Z.): “Inferring BGP Blackholing Activity in the Internet” (Giotsas et al., IMC ‘17) |
14 |
November 23 |
No class (Thanksgiving break) |
14 |
November 25 |
No class (Thanksgiving break) |
15 |
November 30 |
Network accountability |
Paper 1 (Yulong G.): “Flow Rate Fairness: Dismantling a Religion” (Briscoe, SIGCOMM CCR ‘07) Paper 2 (Shuyang Y.): “Accountable Internet Protocol (AIP)” (Andersen et al., SIGCOMM ‘08) |
15 |
December 2 |
Term project presentations |
Term project presentation due |
16 |
December 7 |
Term project presentations |
16 |
December 9 |
No class (study day) |
16 |
December 12 |
No class (final exam block) |
Term project final report due |
Final exam block (per University Registrar): Saturday, December 12 from 12:30 – 2:30 PM ET