Note: This website is now archived and refers to an earlier version of this couse. Please check the latest course website for current information.
Instructor: Prof. Benjamin E. Ujcich
Instructor Email: bu31 [at] georgetown [dot] edu
TA: Zhao Zhang
TA Email: zz156 [at] georgetown [dot] edu
Room: Virtual meeting room via Zoom (see Canvas course page for link)
Time: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00 – 3:15 PM ET
Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:30 – 4:30 PM ET, and by appointment (via Zoom)
This course is a graduate-level treatment of the concepts and principles of data communications and computer networking. Topics covered include network architecture and layering, packet and circuit switching, addressing, intra- and inter-networking, routing protocols, network management, network applications, and recent advances in computer networks.
The information on this course website is subject to change.
We will make use of the following communication methods during this course:
For administrative issues, email the course instructor.
See the assignments page for more information. Semester grades will be calculated as follows:
The course follows the Departmental Honor Policy. If you are unsure whether or not a certain practice is permissible, please ask the instructor beforehand.
Your participation in virtual courses is subject to the University’s Policy on Audio and Video Recordings During Virtual Learning Environment. Please familiarize yourself with the full policy here.
University policies can be found here.